Responsible Recreation and Social Distancing at our Town Parks & Trails


After receiving several more complaints over the weekend of young adults playing basketball at River Road Athletic Complex, we have decided to remove the rims off of the hoops. We also had adults using the Outdoor Fitness Equipment as well. These areas are both cordoned off but it has not stopped many from continuing to use.

River Road Athletic Complex provides a safe place for our residents to walk and run BUT if we continue to receive complaints that residents are not practicing social distancing, we will have no choice but to shut the park down completely. This will leave many with no option of recreating or exercising. I have spoken with many residents over the last few weeks who are so grateful that we have not closed the park. Why? Some are rehabilitating an injury. Some are seniors. But for most, it's a safe alternative to Willington's twisty, windy, hilly roads.

So... Explore the outdoors responsibly. If you arrive at a park and crowds are forming, choose a different park or
trail, or return another day or time. 

recreation responsibly