Planning & Zoning

Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Planning and Zoning

40 Old Farms Road Willington, CT 06279

June 18, 2019

7:30 PM

Meeting Minutes


Roll Call


Members Present:

Walter Parsell – Chairman

Doug Roberts – Vice-Chairman

Andy Marco – Secretary

Randy Belair

Joe Hall


Members Absent:

Joe Lucia

Donald Courtois - Alternate


Also Present:

Mike D’Amato – Zoning Agent

Emily Perko – Assistant Zoning Agent


Public Hearing


PZ-19-3 Text Amendment: Sections 3, 7.08.06 & 11. 24 to Willington Zoning Regulations Applicant: Planning & Zoning Commission


John Blessington thanked the Commission for moving toward pro-business; this regulation change is a great start.


Carrie Donaldson, of Turnpike Road, asked if this change applied to every event.  M. D’Amato said it depends on the request and the event. W. Parsell said, in residential zones, they have to look at all aspects; parking, type of events, etc.


Ms. Donaldson said they have had a farm tour every year for the past 3 years that includes 5 farms. They have educational demonstrations, sell products and have approximately 150 attendees in a 4 hour time frame.  She said they do not charge an admission fee.  M. D’Amato said the extent of the event today would be grandfathered in but if they want the event to grow, they would have to come in for a Special Permit. 


Ms. Donaldson said they also have an end of year barbecue for all the CSA members as a thank you and they do not charge a fee. R. Belair said if it was a farm to table event where you have chefs come in and charge a fee, then it would be considered an event.


The Commission discussed the permitting process and M. D’Amato said the process would be up to the Commission depending on the event; they could do a 1 time event permit, 3 year permit, 5 year permit.  The first application would require a Public Hearing but renewals would not.  He added that the Special Permit fee is $235.


A. Marco said they have to clearly communicate to the applicant the amount of time the process takes.  The application would be received, then a Public Hearing scheduled and the Commission then has 65 days to make a decision from the close of the Public Hearing. 


The Commission discussed ways to get the word out to people regarding the event regulation and the process.   E. Perko said she could do a write up in the Willington Wire as well as post it online.  M. D’Amato said they also send a letter to the abutters when an application comes in.  R. Belair asked Emily to send the Willington Wire write up to the Commission before submitting it and she said she would.


The Commission and the Public had nothing further. 


W. Parsell motioned to close the Public Hearing.  R. Belair seconded the motion.  All in favor.




J. Hall motioned to approve the minutes of May 21, 2019.  A. Marco seconded.  All in favor.  Motion carried.




Nothing at this time.


Staff Report


M. D’Amato said the next thing he would like Staff and the Commission to look at are a couple of the regulations.  He suggested looking at the sign regulations, simplifying them and adding dark skies compliant.  The Commission agreed. 


M. D’Amato reported that the mill received a huge grant from the state and will be making a lot of improvements.  He said he would like to create a mill area overlay zone. 


Meeting adjourned at 8:06.


The Commission discussed the permitting fees and ways to speed up the permitting process.


Meeting adjourned at 8:09.


Respectfully Submitted,


Michele Manas


Michele Manas

Recording Clerk