Planning & Zoning

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Planning and Zoning

40 Old Farms Road Willington, CT 06279

December 18, 2018

7:30 PM

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call

Members Present:

Walter Parsell – Chairman

Doug Roberts – Vice-Chairman

Andy Marco – Secretary

Randy Belair

Joe Hall

Members Absent:

Joe Lucia

Donald Courtois - Alternate


Also Present:

Mike D’Amato – Acting Planning and Zoning Agent


PZC2018-27 Special Permit application for proposed recreation site (soccer fields) at 535 River Road (Map 39 Lot 5 Zone R80) (Received November 20, 2018 Public Hearing by January 15, 2018 decision within 65 days after close of P.H.)

Hugo DelRosso, of the Northeast United Premier Soccer Club, was present to speak and said they are a non-profit soccer club with 14 teams and 270 players.  The club is in their 20th year and currently based out of Mansfield.  Mr. DelRosso said they continue to improve the club for training and many of the players go on to play at the collegiate level.

Mr. Acimovic presented plans and explained that they want to do this in phases.  The application submitted is for Phase 1 only. Test holes have been done on the site and the proposal was previously approved by IWWC.  He showed the area of Phase 1 in which they want to develop first. Mr. Acimovic said there would be no lighting for this phase.  The only change made to the plans from the last meeting is the reduction of parking spaces to 90 regular spaces and 3 ADA spaces and the addition of islands per M. D’Amato’s request.

Bill and Jan Hlobik of 549 River Rd were present and expressed their concerns on placement of the fields so close to their property.  K. Acimovic said they would keep a buffer. 

Joseph Mellet, of 522 River Rd, said he has been at this residence since 1999 and put a lot of time and money into his property.  He expressed his concerns on lighting, noise, and parking.

He believes the biggest impact will be noise and feels the buffer will be inadequate.  He said the parking is inadequate and is concerned on the impact to Roaring Brook.  Mr. Mellet asked why convert the property from taxable to non-taxable.  He said, if approved, this application will diminish the value and enjoyment of his house.  Mr. Mellet’s letter was submitted for the record.

Bill Hlobik said the proposal will diminish the quality of their property and expressed concerns on traffic, noise and garbage. 

Roland Hlobik said he has concerns on traffic, noise and the impact on Willington. He believes this will ruin Willington.

A discussion was held on whether or not a non-profit pays taxes. 

Ms. Hlobik asked if the town would have control over what they do.  W. Parsell said the applicant would have to follow a development plan.

Roland Hlobik said he is concerned about lighting and W. Parsell said all lighting has to follow the regulations and be dark sky compliant. 

Jack Lewis, of 7 Schofield Road, submitted a letter for the record.  He said he has concerns on parking, traffic controls/security, and overflow to the commuter parking.  He said they can’t use state parking and he would like to see security set up to protect the area from overflow parking. Mr. Lewis said trash pick-up could be required and expressed concerns on lighting and tax breaks.

The Public asked if the town has a noise ordinance and John Blessington said, although it’s been discussed over the years, they do not have an ordinance. He said it could be part of the conditions but it is hard to monitor.

A. Marco said they could have set times for the use of the field.  A discussion was held on parking and noise.

Mr. DelRosso said they have been a good steward to the area.  He said he understands their concerns but they will have a place for a dumpster and no lighting. He said hours of use are limited in the fall due to daylight hours.  He added that they are not asking for a tax abatement.  Mr. DelRosso said they are a club of families where children play and will not have large crowds.  There will be a spring season and a fall season as they do not play in the summer.  The fall season will be 7-14 years old; the older kids play for their schools in the fall. He said they currently rent fields from towns including Willington. 

R. Belair asked how often ambulances have been needed and Mr. DelRosso said in very minor situations; he does not recall any in the last 5 years. Mr. DelRosso said there will be walking paths around the perimeter for town use.  He said they will have trash cans and portalets.

A discussion was held on the entrance/exit.  K. Acimovic said there will be only one and it was chosen because of the sight lines.  He said the sight lines are greater than what DOT requires.  Mr. Mellet expressed his concerns on the entrance as it is very close to this property. R. Belair asked if the applicant could look at alternative entrances/exits.

R. Belair asked if there would be any other uses of the field as this would require a Special Permit and the applicant said they would not rent the field to anyone else.

A discussion was held on town roads and right of ways.  J. Blessington said they probably wouldn’t have much of a problem with parking; most of the kids are 14 years and younger and not driving.


Monsour Ndiaye said they are a non-profit club and try to keep the costs down so the kids can play soccer.  He said they are just doing phase 1 now and most attendants of the club are volunteers.  He said they do not want to be a nuisance to the town and some families from Willington play with their club.

The Commission agreed to keep the Public Hearing open. 

Regular Meeting

W. Parsell called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:22.

PZC2018-10 Sign Permit application for proposed commercial building at 22 Tolland Turnpike (Map 30 Lot 15 Zone DC) (Received December 18, 2018)

The applicant was not present.  The application was tabled to the next meeting.

Discussion on proposed “Farming Regulations”.

M. D’Amato said Joe Hall withdrew the application. M. D’Amato will work with Attorney Branse, review his comments and go through the regulations.  He will then bring the proposal back to the Commission in January.

Old Business

PZC2018-27 Special Permit application for proposed recreation site (soccer fields) at 535 River Road (Map 39 Lot 5 Zone R80) (Received November 20, 2018 Public Hearing by January 15, 2018 decision within 65 days after close of P.H.)

The Public Hearing remains open.


D. Roberts motioned to approve the minutes of 11/20/18. J. Hall seconded on the motion. R. Belair and A. Marco abstained.  Motion carried.

Staff Report


22 Tolland Turnpike


M. D’Amato said DOT has approved the application.  He said the site engineer did a red line to show the changes on the in/out turn and gave copies to the Commission. 


327 Ruby Road Traffic Complaint-update


M. D’Amato said he spoke to Troop C and they said there are very few accidents at this location.  He said he spoke to Kevin Campbell at DOT and he will look into it. A discussion was held on signage.


Budget was tabled to the next meeting.


M. D’Amato report the startup of ViewPermit has been a little rocky and they are trying to work out the bugs.


Public Comment


Christine McCloskey, of 31 Lucerne Drive, said her neighbor recently moved in and has a business in Tolland called Eastern Drill. She said she believes he is now conducting his business next to her in Willington.  She said he has cut down trees, has 3 sheds on site and work trucks are there every day.  Ms. McCloskey showed pictures to the Commission which included a wood shed 25 feet from her property line.  She added that he was told by the town to remove a circular driveway and he has now put it back in.  M. D’Amato said he is working on getting more information.




A. Marco motioned to appoint Mike D’Amato as Zoning Agent and Emily Perko as Assistant Zoning Agent.  W. Parsell seconded the motion.  All in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 9:00


Respectfully Submitted,


Michele Manas


Michele Manas

Recording Clerk