Meeting date: 
Monday, February 26, 2018

Inland Wetland and Watercourse Commission

40 Old Farms Road, Willington, CT  06279

February 26, 2018

 Meeting Minutes

Members Present:

Dave Schreiber – Chairman

Tess Gutowski – Co-Chairman

Mark Drobney

Patrick Lord

Members Absent:

Also Present:

Susan Yorgensen


Regular Meeting

D. Schreiber called the meeting to order at 7:30.

W2018-4 Application to demolish existing structure and construct a proposed 9,100 s.f. retail building within the upland review area at 22 Tolland Turnpike (Map 30 Lot 15-11 Zone DC:  Willington, LLC Applicant:  Garrett Homes, LLC (Received January 22, 2018 Public Hearing or decision by March 26, 2018) Site walk on February 24, 2018

The commission conducted a site walk on 2/24/18.  A discussion was held on the information submitted and the septic.  Mike Sullivan said they could move the septic 10 to 15 feet higher but it will then be entirely in the upland review area.  A discussion was held on the lay of the land.  Mr. Sullivan said the sanitarian wants them to address 2 items and also asked S. Yorgensen to send him Jacobson’s comments. 

T. Gutowski asked about minimizing the footprint and Mr. Sullivan said the structure is a low profile unit and highly efficient; water consumption is low.  He said they submitted water bills from other locations including Torrington. 

Mr. Sullivan said they will update the plans with the sanitarians revisions and send them to S. Yorgensen.  A discussion was held on the tests done in 2015 and T. Gutowski asked that they provide documentation from the phase 2 results.  S. Yorgensen asked that the phase 1 results be submitted as well.

Application was tabled until the March 26th meeting.

W2017-25 Application for Timber Harvest at River Road & Schofield Road (Map 39 Lot 10 & 10A Zone R80) Owner:  William Baxter & Goeller Family Trust Applicant:  Hull Forest Products (Received Novemer 27, 2017 – Site Walk November 18, 2017) (Site walk January 27, 2018)

P. Lord said, on the site walk, they walked the areas of concerns and reviewed the land type.  Discussion was held on the crossing and corduroy.  Brennan Sheahan said when they are done they will remove the corduroy.

T. Gutowski asked about the landing next to the road.  Mr. Sheahan said it is a temporary staging area for white pine. A discussion was held on the plans and staging areas and the white pine trailers.  T. Gutowski asked why the landing was not on the plans. Mr. Sheahan said there were changes in the 2018 DOT laws.  He said the law has a great impact on the availability of tractors trailers and for this reason; they may need a staging area as things are sitting longer. T. Gutowski asked the applicant to put the temporary staging area on the plans in the future.

P. Lord motioned to approve W2017-25 with the stream crossing revisions.  M. Drobney seconded the motion.  T. Gutowski abstained.  All others in favor.  Motion carried.


P. Lord motioned to approve the minutes of January 22, 2018.  T. Gutowski seconded the motion.  All in favor.  Motion carried.


Notice of Violation to Hull Forest Products and Goeller Family Trust regarding the Timber Harvest between River Road and Schofield Road.

Foresty Regulations

T. Gutowski said she met with Dave and Susan 6 times to go over the draft.  She said they tried to make them simplified and consistent.  The Commission reviewed the draft which included the following edits/revisions:

Remove Purpose in Section 1. Title

Page 4 - Perennial Stream definition, add The State of Connecticut

Page 9 - add Watercourse to 3.4, a.

Page 10 – remove To from a, b, and c

Page 10 - change cut to stacked

Page 11 – change title and format 3.11 Requirements

Page 12 – Section 4, add in Section #5 and subsection 4.1


Additional wording, grammar, numbering and formatting edits were discussed for the remaining sections and the commission will provide them to S. Yorgensen. 


A discussion was held on submitting photos with the applications.  On page 14, the commission would like sections n. and o. re-worded and condensed.  They would also like this section to reference photos. 


Section 6, Decision Process and Permit, was discussed and the commission would like the format reworked.


A discussion was held on bonds and T. Gutowski said they need to enhance the bond & insurance section; format and content. Discussion was held on liability insurance.


T. Gutowksi said she would like section 6.3 and 6.4 re-worded and to redo the numbering in enforcement; she would also like revoking a permit added to this section.


The Commission looked at the fee section and a discussion was held.  S. Yorgensen asked the Commission to look through the draft and send additional comments to her.


The Commission discussed permits that go with properties when they transfer and said they would like to be notified.  They also discussed using cameras when on site walks. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Manas

Michele Manas

Recording Clerk