Housing Authority Minutes - Corrected

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 9, 2017

Willington Housing Authority
Monday, January 9, 2017 – 6 p.m.
60 Old Farms Road – Senior Center
Willington, CT

Present: Chairman Robert Campbell, Vice Chairman Wilbur Gangaway, Secretary Don Berg, Treasurer Claudia D'Agata, Member Laurel Millix, Recording Secretary Brenda Sullivan. Absent: Financial Consultant David Berto.

1. Call to order –  6:07 p.m.

2. Present to speak – opportunity for members of the public to speak

No member of the public present.

3. Old Business – Senior Housing “Button Hill”

R. Campbell reported that the title company was paid today, so all paperwork on the Eversource easement is done.  He also said Zlotnick Construction is 100 percent paid, as of today.

W. Gangaway shared copies of a Jan. 7, 2017 story in The Chronicle, “Button Hill gains electric easement,” by Corey Sipe.  He noted an error concerning the number of buildings (the story states 3 instead of 4).  

C. D'Agata also noted the story states that tenants will be chosen by lottery (potential tenants will be screened by the management company; currently there are no plans for a lottery).

Discussion followed and it was agreed B. Sullivan will draft a request for a correction to be reviewed by D. Berg and W. Gangaway, and then submitted to The Chronicle.

W. Gangaway also asked if washers and dryers will be included in the units. R. Campbell said the appliances won't be included, but units will have a space where they can be installed.

Concerning the screening of potential tenants, C. D'Agata said she hopes people on the list of interested residents that she's been compiling will be contacted first by the management company, before others respond to ads.  R. Campbell said he will contact the management company, ACCESS, and ask how they plan to handle this list.

4. New Business –  C. D'Agata said she will be on vacation from January 24-February 1 and so, will give the checkbook to R. Campbell in her absence.

D. Berg said he has concerns about the tone of discussions at recent construction meetings.  R. Campbell thanked D. Berg for his feedback, but added he has ongoing concerns about some aspects of the project that he feels need to stressed, for example he didn't receive the schedule that was due Monday (Jan. 9).  There was further discussion.

5. Correspondence –  None.

6. Approval of minutes –  D. Berg moved to accept the minutes of December 13, 2016 as presented; L. Millix seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously.

7. Treasurer’s report – C. D'Agata reported a balance of  $1,950.12.

8. Adjourn – The meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Brenda Sullivan, Recording Secretary.