Economic Development Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, June 16, 2017

Town Of Willington
Economic Development Commission Meeting
Special Meeting Minutes of
June 16, 2017

Attendees:   Tom Buccino (Treasurer), Jason Bracich          

Minutes Taken By:  Jason Bracich

Opened Meeting at 9:24 AM

Public Present:  Julia Bracich indicated a desire to see a grocery store in Willington.

Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Jason B and seconded by Tom B the minutes of the April 24, 2017 meeting were approved.  

New Business

Correspondence/Email – Jason B went over undeliverable letters to businesses re: the recent Business Social, as well as a letters and e-mails regarding dissolved businesses and updated phone numbers.  Tom B will forward the updates to ensure the website database is up to date.

EDC Resignations – Tom B read the resignation letter for EDC Chair Jackie Silverstein, dated May 1 and effective May 1.  On a motion by Jason B and seconded by Tom B, Jackie’s resignation was accepted.

Tom B read the resignation letter for EDC Member Adele Hall, dated May 2 and effective May 2.  On a motion by Jason B and seconded by Tom B, Adele’s resignation was accepted.

Tom B reviewed the joint resignation letter for EDC Treasurer Tom Buccino and EDC Member Jason Bracich, dated June 16 and effective June 30.  On a motion by Tom B and seconded by Jason B, Jason’s resignation was accepted.  On a motion by Jason B and seconded by Tom B, Tom’s resignation was accepted.

Old Business:

Treasurer’s Report

Tom B reviewed the EDC Budget.  As of May 31, the balance of the budget was $6516.22.  Following the approval of supply purchases from the Business Social, the final balance of the budget as of Jun 16 is $6,316.22.

Budget & Housekeeping

Tom B recommended approving the minutes of this special meeting by e-mail to avoid the need for an additional meeting.  Jason B confirmed with the town clerk that the minutes could be approved without an additional meeting.  On a motion by Tom B and seconded by Jason B, the EDC agreed to review and approve the minutes of this special meeting by e-mail correspondence.

Meeting adjourned at 10:05 AM