Special Town Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.     

First Selectman, Christina Mailhos read the call of the meeting and asked for nominations for a moderator. Suzanne Chapman made a motion to appoint Christina Mailhos as moderator and was seconded by John Blessington.                                             

Motion passed.

Moderator read the call of the meeting.

Item I

To see if the townspeople, based on the recommendation of the Board of Finance will appropriate $45,000 from the Reserve Fund for the purpose of repairing Willington fire Department #1 Squad -113.

Moderator  read Item I.

A motion was made by John Blessington and seconded by Kelly Trueb to approve Item I.

Discussion followed.

Robert Shabot inquired about undercoating all equipment to protect it, including all new equipment.  Ron Gantick said the department is planning on doing this to all equipment.

Motion passed

Item II

To see if the townspeople, based on the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen will establish the term for the Office of the Registrar of Voters to four years.

A motion was made by Peter Tanaka and seconded by Laurie Semprebon to approve Item II.

Discussion followed.

Peter Tanaka  spoke and said that all Town parties are in favor of this.  It will save the Town money.

A motion was made by John Blessington and seconded by Peter Tanaka to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Maureen A Gantick
Willington Assistant Town Clerk

Dated  March 23, 2016