P&Z meeting minutes

January 2, 2018
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Planning and Zoning

40 Old Farms Road Willington, CT 06279

January 2, 2018

7:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call

Members Present:

Walter Parsell – Chairman

Doug Roberts – Vice-Chairman

Andy Marco - Secretary

Joe Lucia

Joe Hall

Members Absent:

Edward Standish

Randy Belair

Also Present:

Glenn Chalder

Public Hearing

W. Parsell called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00.

PZC2017-24 Update the Plan of Conservation and Development for 2018-2028.  Applicant:

Town of Willington Planning and Zoning Commission

Glen Chalder explained the draft process and gave an overview of each section of the plan.  He added that each chapter in the plan has a map. 

W. Parsell read a letter for the record from CRCOG regarding the comprehensive update to the Town of Willington’s Plan of Conservation and Development.  They have reviewed the POCD referral and found no apparent conflicts.

Kathy Demers of the Conservation Commission submitted a letter dated 12/27/17 for the record.  She read through their comments and recommendations regarding the POCD draft.  This document is available for review in the Land Use Department.  A discussion was held on soils and steep slopes. 

Adam Zalonis of 119 River Road was present.  He referred to Section 6, Maintain and Enhance Character and asked why the demand for a Village District in South Willington.  He also questioned how it would enhance businesses.  A. Marco said the intent was to preserve small mill villages that are disappearing.  G. Chalder said there is big difference between a historic district and a village district and further discussion was held. Mr. Zalonis expressed his concern on the restrictions and associated cost that might be placed on homeowners in a Village District.  Robin Murphy of 119 River Road expressed her concerns on the restrictions and asked if the Commission could have it apply to businesses and not homeowners.  She gave an example of restrictions that may be placed on window replacement and expressed her concerns. 

Mr. Zalonis said the Village District would place esthetic controls on residents and questioned the resident support in South Willington. 

Amelia Hinchliffe of 136 River Road said she is also concerned and questioned the kinds of restrictions that would apply and what type of participation in decision making residents in the area would have. 

Bob Shabot said he was appalled when he read the State Statutes for Village Districts and said it doesn’t look like there are any exemptions for properties in Villages Districts.  A discussion was held on State Funding for properties in the Village Districts. 

G. Chalder said the discussion they are currently having does not pertain to Village Districts.  He gave an overview of the legislation and said the Commission cannot do esthetic zoning.  He said there can be situations in the community where the character of an area is so unique and special that they should have the ability to say something doesn’t fit. G. Chalder suggested they put a sidebar with communities in Connecticut that have adopted a Village District and use this as a guideline going forward.

Mr. Zalonis read CGS regarding Village Districts into the record and said that he is concerned about collateral damage and decreased property values.

G. Chalder said the Village Districts only come in to play when someone applies for zoning approval.  He said the Commission could also put a clause in the plan and could also include the types of uses allowed.

Ms. Hinchliffe said she recently lost an outbuilding and does not want to be limited when replacing it. 

J. Lucia motioned to close the Public Hearing.  D. Roberts seconded the motion.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

Regular Meeting

PZC2017-24 Update the Plan of Conservation and Development for 2018-2028.  Applicant:

Town of Willington Planning and Zoning Commission

W. Parsell called the Regular Meeting to order.

A. Marco suggested focusing on perceived open space as he wants landowners to keep their land. 

W. Parsell said he hears what the people are saying about Village Districts and the restrictions that may be placed on homeowners. 

D. Roberts said he would like to add clarifying language to Village Districts as they do not want to be too restrictive.  He said the Commission will work with Glen Chalder to provide guidance.

G. Chalder suggested the comments from the Conservation Commission be incorporated and a sidebar added to Village Districts.  He said they could also append whether something should be for business use or mixed use.  G. Chalder will change the dates on the plan title to 2018  thru 2028 and use the most recent population information in the plan.

The POCD needs to be adopted by February and a discussion was held on the rules for amending the POCD.

A. Marco motioned to incorporate the changes submitted for review at the next meeting on January 16, 2018.  D. Roberts seconded the motion.  All in favor.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Manas

Michele Manas

Recording Clerk