Economic Development Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, March 31, 2017

Meeting Minutes of March 31, 2017

Attendees:   Jason Bracich, Tom Buccino, Jackie Silverstein (Chairman)

Minutes Taken By:   Jackie Silverstein

J Silverstein opened the meeting at 9:14 AM. No one from the public was present for public comment.

Approval of Minutes. On a motion made by J Bracich and seconded by T Buccino, the minutes of the January 13, 2017, February 17, 2017, February 24, 2017, and March 3, 2017 meetings were approved.

Admin Position. Pending public referendum, it looks like the Admin position for the EDC has been approved for next year’s budget. J Silverstein will determine who the appropriate IT contact is to start discussing IT needs such as a PC. J Silverstein will also reach out to Christina Mailhos to ensure we have her support in posting for the position in the next couple of weeks.

Business Cards. J Silverstein will follow up with Anything Printed to determine if a new proof of the EDC business cards has been completed. We would like to have the business cards available for the upcoming Business Social.

Business Social. J Silverstein reported 166 emails sent and 44 hardcopy invites were sent out. We have a total of 10 RSVP’s, including the four members of EDC. The Commission discussed the caterer, table centerpieces, and various other possible items that could be considered for promoting the EDC. J Silverstein will follow up on business cards, J Bracich will follow upon a banner, and T Buccino will follow up on the caterer and refreshments. On a motion made by T Buccino and seconded by J Silverstein, the Commission voted to approve a maximum budget of $945 for the entire cost of the Business Social.

Facebook. J Silverstein reported she will soon be working on the second quarter business of the week and sending a notification email to those businesses for whom we have an email address. J Bracich suggested we add the Business Social notification to Facebook. J Silverstein will post it.

FlippingBook Software. Tabled.

Mission Statement – The Commission has finalized the mission statement and will share it at the upcoming Business Social.

Plan of Conservation. Tabled.

Treasurer’s Report. No change in current budget.

Willington Business Updates. T Buccino requested the follow businesses be removed from the Business Directory Database: Epona Associates, The Power Shack.

The meeting adjourned at 11:11 AM.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 14 at 9:00 AM.