Town Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m.     

First Selectman, Christina Mailhos read the call of the meeting and asked for nominations for a moderator. Kim Kowalyshyn made a motion to appoint Christine Psathas as moderator and was seconded by Peter Tanaka.

Motion carried.

Moderator  read Item I.

Item I

To see if the townspeople, based on the recommendation of the Board of Finance will authorize the expenditure from the Capital Reserve Fund of an amount not to exceed $45,000 to update the Plan of Conservation and Development, as required by state statute.

A motion was made by Kim Kowalyshyn and seconded by Bob Shabot to approve Item I.

Discussion followed.

Andy Marco presented the process. After July 2016 if the town fails to comply with the requirements of the state statute (Plans of Conservation and Development need to be updated every ten years) the town would be ineligible for discretionary state funding.

The Planning and Zoning Commission chose Planimetrics to proceed with the process.  

The Commission has scheduled a community workshop on November 1st 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the library.  The public is encouraged to attend.

Now is the time for all departments, boards, commissions and residents to get involved with the updating the 2008 Plan.  The commission needs to get the input of the wants or not wants for the future of this town.

After the meetings, as well as updating statistics and maps the consultants will take the input and present a draft to the Commission. At least sixty-five days prior to PZC holding a public hearing on adoption they will give a copy to the Board of Selectmen of the draft plan. The BOS may hold one or more public hearings and shall endorse or reject the plan or part of the plan and may submit comments and recommended changes to the commission. PZC would then hold a public hearing on the draft.

After the public hearing the commission may revise the plan and may adopt the plan or amendments to it.  The process has to be completed by February 2018.

Communication is a concern. Needs to get the word out on social media to get everyone involved

Motion carried. All yea except 1 nay

A motion was made by Kim Kowalyshyn and seconded by Peter Tanaka to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna J. Hardie
Willington Town Clerk

Dated  October 13, 2016